Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Three Amigos

That closet door holds Olive's treats. If you are near the door, Olive is near you. Sometimes, it pays off. 

She really comes alive when we take her on her daily walks. It's hard I'm sure since she had the fenced in yard for the last several weeks in YS to just run and jump around - and take her victory laps - and now she has to be on a leash all the time outside. Since just getting the internet yesterday (and hallelujah for that in a strange city!) we have looked up local dog parks and plan to start trying them out. Each time someone heads toward the outside door she gets very hopeful. She is loving all of the smells. We've also decided since the areas of grass are much more concentrated (like, little strips along the sidewalk), the smells are probably a lot more concentrated as well. At any rate she is heading for the status of bloodhound. We've also noticed that people tend to turn the corner or cross the street when they are walking a dog and we are walking her. This is opposite from Yellow Springs where people bring their dogs up to meet your dog, and so we're trying to figure this out. Lucas attributes it to her hyena resemblance and intimidating persona. I'm going with they can't handle her cuteness. 

Nester has commandeered this corner as his new spot. I think it's because he is close enough to jump in my lap every time I sit down. That's right - Nester has taken up cuddling. Very strange. 

Kaya is happier than she has been in months (sorry, Buda) more hiding in closets or shedding her fur. Well, she still does a little bit of both of those things...Lucas went to put a pair of jeans in his hanging closet organizer the other day and discovered her hiding at the back of that particular shelf section. This is the kind of thing that is fabric and hangs down with shelves from the closet it's still a puzzler how she found her way up in there. Sometimes she spends a whole day lounging about, like she's in a spa. Suppose to her maybe it is. Maybe to me a little bit, too. 

And here are two photos from right before the move, just for fun...

What good friends. Olive to Buda: Not nearly as many squirrels in the Burgh as in the Springs. Hope you are well in CO. Can't wait till Christmas. 

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